sunnuntai 1. helmikuuta 2015

Interview with the guy behind my 3D prints

Mikko is my long time friend and we share a lot of intrests about 3D printing and 3D Cad softwares. But he has taked his hobby to the next level. Starting with offering his 3D printing services to his friends he now have his own company. He can do amazing things with his printers and I hope you go to read more about him for his upcoming webpage.  Link below.

Interview with Mikko Hoffren

So about the interview. I didn't want to make it long and I wanted to show that all you need is to have little curiosity and self-trust to start working with things you love

How long have had interest for 3D printing?

Well the subject has interested me for quite a long time. Ever since the first come out in some technical papers. I read them but it was kinda distant then but the actual interest spark when I orded something from shapeways and then I was pretty much hooked.

There's a learning curve for 3D printing. Do you still learn and find new things?

Well, It is something that you have to be prepared to learn new things in a daily basis. So for the instance for this printed I made for you I had completely new filament type. I need to do some test for that and I learn some things about that filament. So pretty much every print is somewhat a learning experience.

What have been high points of working with 3D printer?

Well I would say the first printer when I receive it and made my first print ever. That was the high point in yhe actual printing and I think the next would be coming soon when I receive the new printer I ordered from the U.S.What are your plans for the future?

Currently I am working to start 3D printing company. So I would do this for living and right know I'm quite busy with that and some time in the future I hope to go to the university to study higher degree on engineer diploma degree.

I recommend you go check his page:

About the 3D printed line laser gadget I will be posting info about that next week. 3D print was amazing and all worked but I had a design flaw.

Bis Bald ( I'm learning German)