tiistai 27. tammikuuta 2015

Design For 3D printed gadget for moving line laser

I designed device to control line laser on my 3D scanner automatically. It uses a small electric motor and all the other parts are 3D printed. It will attach it to 3D scanner. The big wheel turns about 1 rmp. Smaller wheel turns about 8 rpm and it is controlled with potentiometer. Potentiometer is a electrical component. More info go to wikipedia Potentiometer

The device will be printed soon. I will post pictures and add info on my Pinterest account. Follow me on Pinterest
3D scanner 

Also I will make a interviewing Mikko Hoffren. The guy behind the 3D printer. More of that soon..


torstai 22. tammikuuta 2015

Pinterest account

Pinterest is a free website that acts as a personalized media platform. Users can personalize their experience with Pinterest by pinning items, creating boards, and interacting with other members. By doing so, the users "pin feed" displays unique, personalized results. I'm adding more pictures as soon as I can. Follow Anssi Koponen's board 3D scanning on Pinterest.

What if everything was possible?

Humans are always curious to delevop new things. We are allways inventing new and that is how we survive. Trying is the first step to the succees.

I was going to tell here about my 3D scanner but now seems that I broke my laser. We need to wait for the new part. And also don't expect long post for me. I'm not that kind of writer.

I'm soon to be mechanical engineer and interested in 3D printing. In love to learning new things. My strengths are 3D modeling, the ability to learn new things, curiosity and assertiveness. I'm writing this blog so I can tell people what I have done.