perjantai 3. huhtikuuta 2015

Few interesting 3D project


Now I'm going to tell you about the few interesting projects and their 3D models. I use Solidworks with modeling and also the videos were made with it. I hope this gives you idea how everything is already in a 3D - models.

Electronic bike is pretty interesting. I was the team leader for our school E-motorbike project. Unfortunately the project flops and only the model where made. We had electronic motorbike, adjustable seat and more but time was limited and thats it.

On Ebike we used knowledge of existing parts and 3D parts were made separately.

I had personal project which idea was to make 3D printed bottle opener with magnets. The plastic only lasted for couple tests so the idea really didn't work. But it was fun to test and see.

With Bottle opener I just drawed picture on paper, scanned it and used it as a sketch. Method was fast because I used 1:1 scale with the picture and I get the measurements at the picture.

This is a concept model only. The idea was to make handheld devide to steady camera and using gravity stabilize picture.  It is made from steel and rubber and it's lightweight and durable. This one was a personal project too.

Camerastand was more like try and feel project. Basic idea was clear and I just added more functions while making the model.First I made the main parts then I made the assembly and shaped for my liking.

Automatic Hot Air balloon. We made this on our first year in Mechanical engineering school in Savonia University of Applied Sciences.
This was our CDIO(Conceive — Design — Implement — Operate) project goal.The product worked fine and I'm happy how things worked out.

It was huge project. We had almost 200 parts and files were big. It was worth it.

Thanks for reading. Till Next Time.

maanantai 9. maaliskuuta 2015

Update About 3D scanner and my other project

I have waited 45 days for kinect sensor to come but not a chance.. That is why I haven't write anything for a while.  Yes I am making new kind of scanner because the scanner quality wasnt as great as I thought it would be..

I'm not happy with results.. I used makerscanner software and Pseye camera and didn't get results I wanted.. So I have ordered kinect sensor. I hope I will get it soon. Also I made a better design for the laser holder and moverplate but my intresest for that are gone. It could not function for that speed and making it more complex would make it cost more and that would take the point out of the idea.

Printscreen from the Meshlab

BUT now for the GOOD news!!

Last saturday I was Ice fishing and I broke my glasses. So I printed a new one. I will be finetuning these and I promise I post the results as soon as I can.

I had an idea for the glasses. This is the first print. I will make the nose part smaller and make it look more slim and lighter. 

I'm not sure about the color. Maybe I stick with the black. I used white PLA plastic on my glasses for now because it was easier to use what was allready in use. 

Final version will be made out of ABS plastic because PLA would melt in the sun and I don't want that.  This is all new world to me and I'm pretty excited. I mean that I have never weared 3D printed anything...

This is the coolest thing I know. The final version will be so neat. And it will be printed better quality. I will order it from .. Please check it out if you know finnish and you have needs for 3D locally near Kuopio.

Please leave a comment if you are interested About the 3D models etc.

sunnuntai 1. helmikuuta 2015

Interview with the guy behind my 3D prints

Mikko is my long time friend and we share a lot of intrests about 3D printing and 3D Cad softwares. But he has taked his hobby to the next level. Starting with offering his 3D printing services to his friends he now have his own company. He can do amazing things with his printers and I hope you go to read more about him for his upcoming webpage.  Link below.

Interview with Mikko Hoffren

So about the interview. I didn't want to make it long and I wanted to show that all you need is to have little curiosity and self-trust to start working with things you love

How long have had interest for 3D printing?

Well the subject has interested me for quite a long time. Ever since the first come out in some technical papers. I read them but it was kinda distant then but the actual interest spark when I orded something from shapeways and then I was pretty much hooked.

There's a learning curve for 3D printing. Do you still learn and find new things?

Well, It is something that you have to be prepared to learn new things in a daily basis. So for the instance for this printed I made for you I had completely new filament type. I need to do some test for that and I learn some things about that filament. So pretty much every print is somewhat a learning experience.

What have been high points of working with 3D printer?

Well I would say the first printer when I receive it and made my first print ever. That was the high point in yhe actual printing and I think the next would be coming soon when I receive the new printer I ordered from the U.S.What are your plans for the future?

Currently I am working to start 3D printing company. So I would do this for living and right know I'm quite busy with that and some time in the future I hope to go to the university to study higher degree on engineer diploma degree.

I recommend you go check his page:

About the 3D printed line laser gadget I will be posting info about that next week. 3D print was amazing and all worked but I had a design flaw.

Bis Bald ( I'm learning German)

tiistai 27. tammikuuta 2015

Design For 3D printed gadget for moving line laser

I designed device to control line laser on my 3D scanner automatically. It uses a small electric motor and all the other parts are 3D printed. It will attach it to 3D scanner. The big wheel turns about 1 rmp. Smaller wheel turns about 8 rpm and it is controlled with potentiometer. Potentiometer is a electrical component. More info go to wikipedia Potentiometer

The device will be printed soon. I will post pictures and add info on my Pinterest account. Follow me on Pinterest
3D scanner 

Also I will make a interviewing Mikko Hoffren. The guy behind the 3D printer. More of that soon..


torstai 22. tammikuuta 2015

Pinterest account

Pinterest is a free website that acts as a personalized media platform. Users can personalize their experience with Pinterest by pinning items, creating boards, and interacting with other members. By doing so, the users "pin feed" displays unique, personalized results. I'm adding more pictures as soon as I can. Follow Anssi Koponen's board 3D scanning on Pinterest.

What if everything was possible?

Humans are always curious to delevop new things. We are allways inventing new and that is how we survive. Trying is the first step to the succees.

I was going to tell here about my 3D scanner but now seems that I broke my laser. We need to wait for the new part. And also don't expect long post for me. I'm not that kind of writer.

I'm soon to be mechanical engineer and interested in 3D printing. In love to learning new things. My strengths are 3D modeling, the ability to learn new things, curiosity and assertiveness. I'm writing this blog so I can tell people what I have done.